BILL NUMBER: ACR 119 AMENDED 06/22/94 BILL TEXT AMENDED IN SENATE JUNE 22, 1994 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY MAY 9, 1994 INTRODUCED BY Assembly Member Hannigan {+ (Coauthor: Assembly Member Areias) +} APRIL 11, 1994 Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 119 Relative to the Blecher-Freeman Memorial Causeway {+ and the John McVeigh, Jr. Memorial Highway +} . LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST ACR 119, as amended, Hannigan. Blecher-Freeman Memorial Causeway {+ and John McVeigh, Jr. Memorial Highway +} . This measure would designate the Yolo Causeway on Interstate Highway Route 80 in the County of Yolo the Blecher-Freeman Memorial Causeway {+ and the portion of State Highway Route 198 from the junction with State Highway Route 101 to the County of Fresno the John McVeigh, Jr. Memorial Highway +} . The measure would also direct the Department of Transportation to determine the cost of appropriate plaques and markers showing the special designation, clearly displaying the Star of the California Highway Patrol, and identifying California Highway Patrol {- officers -} {+ Officers +} Roy P. Blecher {- and -} {+ , +} William M. Freeman, and {+ John McVeigh Jr., and+} , upon receiving donations from nonstate sources sufficient to cover that cost, to erect appropriate plaques and markers. Fiscal committee: yes. WHEREAS, California Highway Patrol Officers Roy P. Blecher and William M. Freeman, both veteran officers, were shot to death during an enforcement stop on Interstate Highway Route 80 near the Yolo Causeway in the early morning hours of December 22, 1978; and WHEREAS, The circumstances of their death, at the hands of an armed felon, served to later enhance the curriculum of officer safety training for cadets at the nearby California Highway Patrol Academy in the City of West Sacramento; and {+ WHEREAS, State Traffic Officer John McVeigh, Jr. served the people of the State of California as a loyal and dedicated member of the California Highway Patrol; and WHEREAS, On April 17, 1993, this gallant officer was killed in the line of duty while responding to an injury accident on State Highway Route 198 in the area of King City, in the County of Monterey; and WHEREAS, Officer McVeigh spent the last 13 years of his life providing for the safety and assistance of motorists using the streets and highways of this state; and WHEREAS, Officer McVeigh did, throughout his career, conduct himself in such a manner as to prove a credit to his community, his family, and his profession; and +} WHEREAS, This tribute serves as a solemn reminder of the inherent dangers faced by the men and women of law enforcement on a daily basis; and WHEREAS, This resolution is in recognition of these {- two -} officers who made the ultimate sacrifice in their service to the people of the State of California; now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That the Yolo Causeway on Interstate Highway Route 80 in the County of Yolo is hereby officially designated the Blecher-Freeman Memorial Causeway; and be it further RESOLVED, {+ That the portion of State Highway Route 198 from the junction with State Highway Route 101 to the County of Fresno be officially designated the John McVeigh, Jr. Memorial Highway; and be it further +} Resolved, That the Department of Transportation is directed to determine the cost of appropriate plaques and markers, consistent with the signing requirements for the state highway system, showing the special designation, clearly displaying the Star of the California Highway Patrol, and identifying California Highway Patrol Officers Roy P. Blecher {- and -} {+ , +} William M. Freeman, and {+ John McVeigh, Jr., and +} , upon receiving donations from nonstate sources sufficient to cover that cost, to erect those plaques and markers; and be it further Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit a copy of this resolution to the Director of Transportation.