AB 718,
as amended, Chu. begin deleteVehicles: parking citations and impoundment. end deletebegin insertLocal government: powers.end insert
Existing law authorizes the legislative body of a city or county to pass ordinances not in conflict with state or federal law and the state or federal constitution.
end insertbegin insertThis bill would prohibit the legislative body of a city, county, or city and county from prohibiting, or otherwise subjecting to civil or criminal penalties, the act of sleeping or resting in a lawfully parked motor vehicle.
end insertExisting law regulates the stopping, parking, or leaving of vehicles on highways and off-street parking facilities, and also authorizes local authorities, by ordinance or resolution, to regulate the parking of vehicles on highways, if the ordinance or resolution is first approved by the Department of Transportation. Existing law further authorizes the impoundment of a vehicle that is parked where local authorities, by resolution or ordinance, have prohibited parking, or when the vehicle has been issued 5 or more notices of parking violations to which the owner or person in control of the vehicle has not responded within 21 calendar days, as specified.
end deleteThis bill would prohibit a peace officer or an employee of a city or county from issuing a parking citation to the owner or person in control of a vehicle, or from impounding a vehicle, on the basis that the owner or other person is sleeping in the vehicle, if the vehicle is otherwise lawfully parked.
end deleteVote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no. State-mandated local program: no.
The people of the State of California do enact as follows:
begin insertSection 50034 is added to the end insertbegin insertGovernment Codeend insertbegin insert,
2to read:end insert
The legislative body of a city, county, or city and county
4shall not prohibit, or otherwise subject to civil or criminal
5penalties, the act of sleeping or resting in a lawfully parked motor
Section 22506.5 is added to the Vehicle Code,
8to read:
A peace officer, or a regularly employed and salaried
10employee of a city or county who is engaged in directing traffic
11or enforcing parking laws, shall not issue a parking citation to the
12owner or person in control of a vehicle for sleeping in the vehicle,
13if the vehicle is otherwise lawfully parked.
Section 22651.06 is added to the Vehicle Code, to
A peace officer, or a regularly employed and salaried
17employee of a city or county who is engaged in directing traffic
18or enforcing parking laws, shall not remove and impound a vehicle
19on the basis that the owner or person in control of the vehicle is
20sleeping in the vehicle, if the vehicle is otherwise lawfully parked.