INTRODUCED BY Assembly Member Bonilla
(Coauthor: Senator Hill)
JANUARY 26, 2015
An act to amend Sections 205, 207, 5510, 5517, 5620,
5621, 5622, 6710, and 6714 of 6714, 6749,
6797, 7839.2, 7841, 7841.1, 7841.2, 8710, 8759, and 8800 of, to add
Sections 6775.2, 7860.2, and 8780.2 to, to repeal Section 7885 of,
and to repeal and add Section 7886 of, the Business and
Professions Code, relating to professions and vocations.
vocations, and making an appropriation therefor.
AB 177, as amended, Bonilla. Professions and vocations: licensing
boards: authority: extension.
(1) The Professional Engineers
Act provides for the licensure and regulation of engineers by the
Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists,
which consists of 15 members, in the Department of Consumer Affairs.
The act requires the board to appoint an executive officer, as
specified. Existing Under existing law, these
provisions are reported on January 1, 2016.
This bill would extend the operation of these provisions until
January 1, 2020. The bill would add as a cause for disciplinary
action by the board, as specified, if a licensee or certificate
holder under the act fails or refuses to respond to a written request
from a representative of the board to cooperate in the investigation
of a complaint against that licensee or certificate holder. The bill
would also make technical amendments to the act.
(2) Existing law provides for the
licensure and regulation of architects and landscape architects by
the California Architects Board, which consists of 10 members, in the
department. Department of Consumer of
Affairs. Existing law establishes, within the jurisdiction of
the board, the Landscape Architects Technical Committee for the
purpose of, among other things, assisting the board in the
examination of candidates for a landscape architect's license.Under
existing law, these provisions are repealed on January 1, 2016.
This bill would extend the operation of these provisions until
January 1, 2020.
(3) The Professional Land Surveyors' Act provides for the
licensure and regulation of land surveyors by the Board for
Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists, which is
vested with the power to administer the act. Under existing law,
these provisions are repealed on January 1, 2016.
This bill would extend the operation of these provisions until
January 1, 2020. The bill would also add as a cause for disciplinary
action by the board, as specified, if a licensee or certificate
holder under the act fails or refuses to respond to a written request
from a representative of the board to cooperate in the investigation
of a complaint against that licensee or certificate holder.
(4) The Geologist and Geophysicist Act provides for the
registration and regulation of professional geologists and
professional geophysicists and the certification of applicants in
specialties in geology and geologists-in-training by the Board for
Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists. The act
requires an applicant for registration as a geologist to meet certain
requirements, including, among others, that he or she has graduated
with a major in geological sciences from college or university, and
requires an applicant for registration as a geophysicist to meet
certain requirements, including, among others, that he or she has
completed a combination of at least 30 semester hours in courses, as
specified. The act requires an applicant for certification as a
geologist-in-training to comply with certain requirements, including,
among others that the applicant successfully pass the Fundamentals
of Geology examination.
This bill would provide for licensure instead of registration
under the act. The bill would also allow an applicant for licensure
as a geologist to have graduated from a college or university with a
major in a discipline other than geological sciences that, in the
opinion of the board, is relevant to geology. The bill would also
allows an applicant for licensure as a geophysicist to have completed
at least the equivalent of 30 semester hours in courses, as
specified. The bill would require an applicant for certification as a
geologist-in-training to have graduated from a college or university
with a major in geological sciences or any other discipline, as
specified. The bill would add as a cause for disciplinary action by
the board, as specified, if a licensee or certificate holder under
the act fails or refuses to respond to a written request from a
representative of the board to cooperate in the investigation of a
complaint against that licensee or certificate holder.
(5) Under existing law, there is the Professions and Vocations
Fund in the State Treasury, which consists of certain special funds
and accounts, including the Professional Engineer's and Land Surveyor'
s Fund and the Geology and Geophysics Account of the Professional
Engineer's and Land Surveyor's Fund. Under existing law the moneys in
the Geology and Geophysics Account are appropriated to carry out the
purposes of the Geologist and Geophysicist Act, the moneys in the
Professional Engineers's and Land Surveyor's Fund are appropriated
for the purposes of the Professional Engineers and the Professional
Land Surveyor's Act, and the moneys in those funds are attributable
to administrative fines, civil penalties, and criminal penalties, as
specified, are not continuously appropriated and are only available
for expenditure upon appropriation by the Legislature.
This bill would merge the Geology and Geophysics Account of the
Professional Engineer's and Land Surveyor's Fund into the fund, which
would be renamed the Professional Engineer's, Land Surveyor's, and
Geologist's Fund, and would require that the fees and civil penalties
received under the Professional Engineers Act, the Professional Land
Surveyors' Act, and the Geologist and Geophysicist Act be deposited
into that fund. The bill would specify that the fees in the fund are
continuously appropriated, as specified.
Vote: majority. Appropriation: no yes
. Fiscal committee: yes. State-mandated local program: no.
SECTION 1. Section 205 of the Business
and Professions Code is amended to read:
205. (a) There is in the State Treasury the Professions and
Vocations Fund. The fund shall consist of the following special
(1) Accountancy Fund.
(2) California Architects Board Fund.
(3) Athletic Commission Fund.
(4) Barbering and Cosmetology Contingent Fund.
(5) Cemetery Fund.
(6) Contractors' License Fund.
(7) State Dentistry Fund.
(8) State Funeral Directors and Embalmers Fund.
(9) Guide Dogs for the Blind Fund.
(10) Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation Fund.
(11) California Architects Board-Landscape Architects Fund.
(12) Contingent Fund of the Medical Board of California.
(13) Optometry Fund.
(14) Pharmacy Board Contingent Fund.
(15) Physical Therapy Fund.
(16) Private Investigator Fund.
(17) Professional Engineer's and Engineer'
s, Land Surveyor's Surveyor's, and
Geologist 's Fund.
(18) Consumer Affairs Fund.
(19) Behavioral Sciences Fund.
(20) Licensed Midwifery Fund.
(21) Court Reporters' Fund.
(22) Veterinary Medical Board Contingent Fund.
(23) Vocational Nurses Account of the Vocational Nursing and
Psychiatric Technicians Fund.
(24) Electronic and Appliance Repair Fund.
(25) Geology and Geophysics Account of the Professional Engineer's
and Land Surveyor's Fund.
(2 5) Dispensing Opticians Fund.
(26) Acupuncture Fund.
(2 7) Physician Assistant Fund.
(28) Board of Podiatric Medicine Fund.
(29) Psychology Fund.
(3 0) Respiratory Care Fund.
(31) Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and
Hearing Aid Dispensers Fund.
(3 2) Board of Registered Nursing Fund.
(3 3) Psychiatric Technician Examiners
Account of the Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians Fund.
(3 4) Animal Health Technician Examining
Committee Fund.
(3 5) State Dental Hygiene Fund.
(3 6) State Dental Assistant Fund.
(3 7) Structural Pest Control Fund.
(3 8) Structural Pest Control Eradication
and Enforcement Fund.
(39) Structural Pest Control Research Fund.
(b) For accounting and recordkeeping purposes, the Professions and
Vocations Fund shall be deemed to be a single special fund, and each
of the several special funds therein shall constitute and be deemed
to be a separate account in the Professions and Vocations Fund. Each
account or fund shall be available for expenditure only for the
purposes as are now or may hereafter be provided by law.
SEC. 2. Section 207 of the Business and
Professions Code is amended to read:
207. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money in
any fund described in Section 205 that is attributable to
administrative fines, civil penalties, and criminal penalties imposed
by a regulating entity, or cost recovery by a regulating entity from
enforcement actions and case settlements, shall not be continuously
appropriated. The money in each fund that is not continuously
appropriated shall be available for expenditure as provided in this
code only upon appropriation by the Legislature.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the annual Budget
Act may appropriate, in a single budget item for each individual fund
described in paragraphs (1) to (40), (39),
inclusive, of subdivision (a) of Section 205, the entire amount
available for expenditure in the budget year for that fund. That
appropriation may include funds that are continuously appropriated
and funds that are not continuously appropriated.
SECTION 1. SEC. 3. Section 5510 of
the Business and Professions Code is amended to read:
5510. There is in the Department of Consumer Affairs a California
Architects Board which consists of 10 members.
Any reference in law to the California Board of Architectural
Examiners shall mean the California Architects Board.
This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2020,
and as of that date is repealed. Notwithstanding any other law, the
repeal of this section renders the board subject to review by the
appropriate policy committees of the Legislature.
SEC. 2. SEC. 4. Section 5517 of the
Business and Professions Code is amended to read:
5517. The board may appoint a person exempt from civil service
who shall be designated as an executive officer and who shall
exercise the powers and perform the duties delegated by the board and
vested in him or her by this chapter.
This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2020,
and as of that date is repealed.
SEC. 3. SEC. 5. Section 5620 of the
Business and Professions Code is amended to read:
5620. The duties, powers, purposes, responsibilities, and
jurisdiction of the California State Board of Landscape Architects
that were succeeded to and vested with the Department of Consumer
Affairs in accordance with Chapter 908 of the Statutes of 1994 are
hereby transferred to the California Architects Board. The
Legislature finds that the purpose for the transfer of power is to
promote and enhance the efficiency of state government and that
assumption of the powers and duties by the California Architects
Board shall not be viewed or construed as a precedent for the
establishment of state regulation over a profession or vocation that
was not previously regulated by a board, as defined in Section 477.
(a) There is in the Department of Consumer Affairs a California
Architects Board as defined in Article 2 (commencing with Section
5510) of Chapter 3.
Whenever in this chapter "board" is used, it refers to the
California Architects Board.
(b) Except as provided herein, the board may delegate its
authority under this chapter to the Landscape Architects Technical
(c) After review of proposed regulations, the board may direct the
examining committee to notice and conduct hearings to adopt, amend,
or repeal regulations pursuant to Section 5630, provided that the
board itself shall take final action to adopt, amend, or repeal those
(d) The board shall not delegate its authority to discipline a
landscape architect or to take action against a person who has
violated this chapter.
(e) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1,
2020, and as of that date is repealed.
SEC. 4. SEC. 6. Section 5621 of the
Business and Professions Code is amended to read:
5621. (a) There is hereby created within the jurisdiction of the
board, a Landscape Architects Technical Committee, hereinafter
referred to in this chapter as the landscape architects committee.
(b) The landscape architects committee shall consist of five
members who shall be licensed to practice landscape architecture in
this state. The Governor shall appoint three of the members. The
Senate Committee on Rules and the Speaker of the Assembly shall
appoint one member each.
(c) The initial members to be appointed by the Governor are as
follows: one member for a term of one year; one member for a term of
two years; and one member for a term of three years. The Senate
Committee on Rules and the Speaker of the Assembly shall initially
each appoint one member for a term of four years. Thereafter,
appointments shall be made for four-year terms, expiring on June 1 of
the fourth year and until the appointment and qualification of his
or her successor or until one year shall have elapsed, whichever
first occurs. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term.
(d) No person shall serve as a member of the landscape architects
committee for more than two consecutive terms.
(e) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1,
2020, and as of that date is repealed.
SEC. 5. SEC. 7. Section 5622 of the
Business and Professions Code is amended to read:
5622. (a) The landscape architects committee may assist the board
in the examination of candidates for a landscape architect's license
and, after investigation, evaluate and make recommendations
regarding potential violations of this chapter.
(b) The landscape architects committee may investigate, assist,
and make recommendations to the board regarding the regulation of
landscape architects in this state.
(c) The landscape architects committee may perform duties and
functions that have been delegated to it by the board pursuant to
Section 5620.
(d) The landscape architects committee may send a representative
to all meetings of the full board to report on the committee's
(e) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1,
2020, and as of that date is repealed.
SEC. 6. SEC. 8. Section 6710 of the
Business and Professions Code is amended to read:
6710. (a) There is in the Department of Consumer Affairs a Board
for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists, which
consists of 15 members.
(b) Any reference in any law or regulation to the Board of
Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, or the
Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, is deemed to
refer to the Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and
(c) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1,
2020, and as of that date is repealed. Notwithstanding any other law,
the repeal of this section renders the board subject to review by
the appropriate policy committees of the Legislature.
SEC. 7. SEC. 9. Section 6714 of the
Business and Professions Code is amended to read:
6714. The board shall appoint an executive officer at a salary to
be fixed and determined by the board with the approval of the
Director of Finance.
This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2020,
and as of that date is repealed.
SEC. 10. Section 6749 of the Business
and Professions Code is amended to read:
6749. (a) A professional engineer shall use a written contract
when contracting to provide professional engineering services to a
client pursuant to this chapter. The written contract shall be
executed by the professional engineer and the client,
client or his or her representative,
the client's representative prior to the
professional engineer commencing work, unless the client knowingly
states in writing that work may be commenced before the contract is
executed. The written contract shall include, but not be limited to,
all of the following:
(1) A description of the services to be provided to the client by
the professional engineer.
(2) A description of any basis of compensation applicable to the
contract, and the method of payment agreed upon by the parties.
(3) The name, address, and license or certificate number of the
professional engineer, and the name and address of the client.
(4) A description of the procedure that the professional engineer
and the client will use to accommodate additional services.
(5) A description of the procedure to be used by any
party both parties to terminate the contract.
(b) This section shall not apply to any of the following:
(1) Professional engineering services rendered by a professional
engineer for which the client will not pay compensation.
(2) A professional engineer who has a current or prior contractual
relationship with the client to provide engineering services, and
that client has paid the professional engineer all of the fees that
are due under the contract.
(3) If the client knowingly states in writing after full
disclosure of this section that a contract which complies with the
requirements of this section is not required.
(4) Professional engineering services rendered by a professional
engineer to any of the following:
(A) A professional engineer licensed or registered under this
(B) A land surveyor licensed under Chapter 15 (commencing with
Section 8700).
(C) An architect licensed under Chapter 3 (commencing with Section
(D) A contractor licensed under Chapter 9 (commencing with Section
(E) A geologist or a geophysicist licensed under Chapter 12.5
(commencing with Section 7800).
(F) A manufacturing, mining, public utility, research and
development, or other industrial corporation, if the services are
provided in connection with or incidental to the products, systems,
or services of that corporation or its affiliates.
(G) A public agency.
(c) "Written contract" as used in this section includes a contract
that is in electronic form.
SEC. 11. Section 6775.2 is added to the
Business and Professions Code , to read:
6775.2. The failure of, or refusal by, a licensee or a
certificate holder to respond to a written request from a
representative of the board to cooperate in the investigation of a
complaint against that licensee or certificate holder constitutes a
cause for disciplinary action under Section 6775 or 6775.1.
SEC. 12. Section 6797 of the Business
and Professions Code is amended to read:
6797. (a) The department shall receive and
account for all money derived from the operation of this chapter and,
at the end of each month, shall report such money to the State
Controller and shall pay it to the State Treasurer, who shall keep
the money in a separate fund known as the Professional
Engineer's and Engineer's, Land
Surveyor's Surveyor's, and Geologist 's
(b) For accounting and
recordkeeping purposes, the Professional Engineer's and
Engineer's, Land Surveyor's
Surveyor's, and Geologist's Fund shall be deemed to be a
single special fund, and shall be available for expenditure only for
the purposes as are now or may hereafter be provided by law.
(c) The fees and civil penalties
received under this chapter shall be deposited in the Professional
Engineer's and Engineer's, Land
Surveyor's Surveyor's, and Geologist's
Fund. All moneys in the fund are hereby appropriated for the purposes
of this chapter.
SEC. 13. Section 7839.2 of the Business
and Professions Code is amended to read:
7839.2. (a) A professional geologist or
professional geophysicist shall use a written contract when
contracting to provide geological or geophysical services to a client
pursuant to this chapter. The written contract shall be executed by
the professional geologist or professional
geophysicist and the client or the client's representative prior to
the professional geologist or professional
geophysicist commencing work, unless the client states in writing
that work may be commenced before the contract is executed. The
written contract shall include, but is not limited to, all of the
(1) A description of the services to be provided to the client by
the professional geologist or professional
(2) A description of any basis of compensation applicable to the
contract, and the method of payment agreed upon by the parties.
(3) The name, address, and license or certificate number of the
professional geologist or professional
geophysicist, and the name and address of the client.
(4) A description of the procedure that the professional
geologist or professional geophysicist and the
client will use to accommodate additional services.
(5) A description of the procedure to be used by any
party both parties to terminate the contract.
(b) Subdivision (a) shall not apply to any of the following:
(1) Geologic or geophysical services rendered by a
professional geologist or professional geophysicist
for which the client will not pay compensation.
(2) A geologist or geophysicist who has a current or prior
contractual relationship with the client to provide geologic or
geophysical services, and who has already been paid the fees that are
due under the contract by the client.
(3) If the client executes a waiver in writing after full
disclosure of this section that a contract that complies with the
requirements of this section is not required.
(4) Geological or geophysical services rendered by a geologist or
geophysicist to any of the following:
(A) A geologist or geophysicist licensed under this chapter.
(B) An engineer licensed under Chapter 7 (commencing with Section
(C) A land surveyor licensed under Chapter 15 (commencing with
Section 8700).
(D) An architect licensed under Chapter 3 (commencing with Section
(E) A contractor licensed under Chapter 9 (commencing with Section
(F) A public agency.
(c) As used in this section, "written contract" includes a
contract in electronic form.
SEC. 14. Section 7841 of the Business
and Professions Code is amended to read:
7841. An applicant for registration
licensure as a geologist shall have all the following
(a) Not have committed any acts or crimes constituting grounds for
denial of licensure under Section 480.
(b) Graduation from a college or university with a
major in geological sciences from college or university.
or any other discipline that, in the opinion of the
board, is relevant to geology.
(c) Have a documented record of a minimum of five years of
professional geological experience of a character satisfactory to the
board, demonstrating that the applicant is qualified to assume
responsible charge of this work upon licensure as a geologist. This
experience shall be gained under the supervision of a geologist or
geophysicist licensed in this or any other state, or under the
supervision of others who, in the opinion of the board, have the
training and experience to have responsible charge of geological
work. Professional geological work does not include routine sampling,
laboratory work, or geological drafting.
Each year of undergraduate study in the geological sciences shall
count as one-half year of training up to a maximum of two years, and
each year of graduate study or research counts as a year of training.
Teaching in the geological sciences at college level shall be
credited year for year toward meeting the requirement in this
category, provided that the total teaching experience includes six
semester units per semester, or equivalent if on the quarter system,
of upper division or graduate courses.
Credit for undergraduate study, graduate study, and teaching,
individually, or in any combination thereof, shall in no case exceed
a total of three years towards meeting the requirement for at least
five years of professional geological work as set forth above.
The ability of the applicant shall have been demonstrated by the
applicant having performed the work in a responsible position, as the
term "responsible position" is defined in regulations adopted by the
board. The adequacy of the required supervision and experience shall
be determined by the board in accordance with standards set forth in
regulations adopted by it.
(d) Successfully pass a written examination that incorporates a
national examination for geologists created by a nationally
recognized entity approved by the board, and a supplemental
California specific examination. The California specific examination
shall test the applicant's knowledge of state laws, rules and
regulations, and of seismicity and geology unique to practice within
this state.
SEC. 15. Section 7841.1 of the Business
and Professions Code is amended to read:
7841.1. An applicant for registration
licensure as a geophysicist shall have all of the following
qualifications. This section shall not apply to applicants for
registration licensure as geologists.
(a) Not have committed any acts or crimes constituting grounds for
denial of licensure under Section 480.
(b) Meet one of the following educational requirements fulfilled
at a school or university whose curricula meet criteria established
by rules of the board.
(1) Graduation with a major in a geophysical science or any other
discipline which that, in the opinion
of the board board, is relevant to
(2) Completion of a combination of at least 30 semester hours,
or the equivalent, in courses which
that, in the opinion of the board
board, are relevant to geophysics. At least 24 semester hours,
or the equivalent, shall be in the third or fourth year, or graduate
(c) Have at least seven years of professional geophysical work
which that shall include either a
minimum of three years of professional geophysical work under the
supervision of a professional geophysicist, except that prior to July
1, 1973, professional geophysical work shall qualify under this
subdivision if it is under the supervision of a qualified
geophysicist, or a minimum of five years' experience in responsible
charge of professional geophysical work. Professional geophysical
work does not include the routine maintenance or operation of
geophysical instruments, or, even if carried out under the
responsible supervision of a professional geophysicist, the routine
reduction or plotting of geophysical observations.
Each year of undergraduate study in the geophysical sciences
referred to in this section shall count as one-half year of training
up to a maximum of two years, and each year of graduate study or
research counts as a year of training.
Teaching in the geophysical sciences referred to in this section
at a college level shall be credited year for year toward meeting the
requirement in this category, provided that the total teaching
experience includes six semester units per semester, or equivalent if
on the quarter system, of third or fourth year or graduate courses.
Credit for undergraduate study, graduate study, and teaching,
individually, or in any combination thereof, shall in no case exceed
a total of four years towards meeting the requirements for at least
seven years of professional geophysical work as set forth above.
The ability of the applicant shall have been demonstrated by his
or her having performed the work in a responsible position, as the
term "responsible position" is defined in regulations adopted by the
board. The adequacy of the required supervision and experience shall
be determined by the board in accordance with standards set forth in
regulations adopted by it.
(d) Successfully pass a written examination.
SEC. 16. Section 7841.2 of the Business
and Professions Code is amended to read:
7841.2. An applicant for certification as a geologist-in-training
shall comply with all of the following:
(a) Not have committed acts or crimes constituting grounds for
denial of certification under Section 480.
(b) Successfully pass the Fundamentals of Geology examination.
The applicant shall be eligible to sit for the Fundamentals
of Geology examination after graduation with a degree in a geological
science from a college or university, the curriculum of which has
been approved by the board.
(c) Graduation from a college or university with a major in
geological sciences or any other discipline that, in the opinion of
the board, is relevant to geology.
SEC. 17. Section 7860.2 is added to the
Business and Professions Code , to read:
7860.2. The failure of, or refusal by, a licensee or a
certificate holder to respond to a written request from a
representative of the board to cooperate in the investigation of a
complaint against that licensee or certificate holder constitutes a
cause for disciplinary action under Section 7860 or 7860.1.
SEC. 18. Section 7885 of the Business
and Professions Code is repealed.
7885. (a) The board shall report each month to the State
Controller the amount and source of all revenue received by it
pursuant to this chapter and at the same time pay the entire amount
thereof into the State Treasury for credit to the Geology and
Geophysics Account, which is hereby created within the Professional
Engineer's and Land Surveyor's Fund established in Section 6797.
(b) All moneys in the Geology and Geophysics Fund on January 1,
2012, shall be transferred on that date to the Geology and Geophysics
Account of the Professional Engineer's and Land Surveyor's Fund.
SEC. 19. Section 7886 of the Business
and Professions Code is repealed.
7886. The moneys paid into the Geology and Geophysics Account of
the Professional Engineer's and Land Surveyor's Fund pursuant to this
chapter are hereby appropriated to be used by the board to carry out
the provisions of this chapter.
SEC. 20. Section 7886 is added to the
Business and Professions Code , to read:
7886. (a) The department shall receive and account for all money
derived under the operation of this chapter and, at the end of each
month, shall report such money to the Controller and shall pay it to
the Treasurer, who shall keep the money in a separate fund known as
the Professional Engineer's, Land Surveyor's, and Geologist's Fund.
(b) For accounting and recordkeeping purposes, the Professional
Engineer's, Land Surveyor's, and Geologist's Fund shall be deemed to
be a single special fund and shall be available for expenditure only
for the purposes as are now or may hereafter be provided by law.
(c) The fees and civil penalties received under this chapter shall
be deposited in the Professional Engineer's, Land Surveyor's, and
Geologist's Fund. All moneys in the fund are hereby appropriated for
the purposes of this chapter.
SEC. 21. Section 8710 of the Business
and Professions Code is amended to read:
8710. (a) The Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors,
and Geologists is vested with power to administer the provisions and
requirements of this chapter, and may make and enforce rules and
regulations that are reasonably necessary to carry out its
(b) The board may adopt rules and regulations of professional
conduct that are not inconsistent with state and federal law. The
rules and regulations may include
definitions of incompetence and negligence. Every person
who holds a license or certificate issued by the board pursuant to
this chapter, or a license or certificate issued to a civil engineer
pursuant to Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 6700), shall be
governed by these rules and regulations.
(c) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1,
2016, 2020, and as of that date is
repealed, unless a later enacted statute, that is enacted
before January 1, 2016, deletes or extends that date.
repealed. Notwithstanding any other provision of
law, the repeal of this section renders the board subject
to review by the appropriate policy committees of the Legislature.
SEC. 22. Section 8759 of the Business
and Professions Code is amended to read:
8759. (a) A licensed land surveyor or registered
licensed civil engineer authorized to practice
land surveying shall use a written contract when contracting to
provide professional services to a client pursuant to this chapter.
The written contract shall be executed by the licensed land surveyor
or registered licensed civil engineer
and the client, client or his
or her representative, the client's representative
prior to the licensed land surveyor or registered
licensed civil engineer commencing work, unless
the client knowingly states in writing that work may be commenced
before the contract is executed. The written contract shall include,
but not be limited to, all of the following:
(1) A description of the services to be provided to the client by
the licensed land surveyor or registered
licensed civil engineer.
(2) A description of any basis of compensation applicable to the
contract, and the method of payment agreed upon by the parties.
(3) The name, address, and license or certificate number of the
licensed land surveyor or registered licensed
civil engineer, and the name and address of the client.
(4) A description of the procedure that the licensed land surveyor
or registered licensed civil engineer
and the client will use to accommodate additional services.
(5) A description of the procedure to be used by any
party both parties to terminate the contract.
(b) This section shall not apply to any of the following:
(1) Professional land surveying services rendered by a licensed
land surveyor or registered licensed
civil engineer for which the client will not pay compensation.
(2) A licensed land surveyor or registered
licensed civil engineer who has a current or prior contractual
relationship with the client to provide professional services
pursuant to this chapter, and that client has paid the licensed
land surveyor or licensed civil engineer all of the
fees that are due under the contract.
(3) If the client knowingly states in writing after full
disclosure of this section that a contract which complies with the
requirements of this section is not required.
(4) Professional services rendered by a licensed land surveyor or
a registered licensed civil engineer to
any of the following:
(A) A professional engineer licensed or registered
under Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 6700).
(B) A land surveyor licensed under this chapter.
(C) An architect licensed under Chapter 3 (commencing with Section
(D) A contractor licensed under Chapter 9 (commencing with Section
(E) A geologist or a geophysicist licensed under Chapter 12.5
(commencing with Section 7800).
(F) A manufacturing, mining, public utility, research and
development, or other industrial corporation, if the services are
provided in connection with or incidental to the products, systems,
or services of that corporation or its affiliates.
(G) A public agency.
(c) "Written contract" as used in this section includes a contract
that is in electronic form.
SEC. 23. Section 8780.2 is added to the
Business and Professions Code , to read:
8780.2. The failure of, or refusal by, a licensee or a
certificate holder to respond to a written request from a
representative of the board to cooperate in the investigation of a
complaint against that licensee or certificate holder constitutes a
cause for disciplinary action under Section 8780 or 8780.1.
SEC. 24. Section 8800 of the Business
and Professions Code is amended to read:
8800. (a) The department shall receive and
account for all money derived under the operation of this chapter
and, at the end of each month, shall report such money to the State
Controller and shall pay it to the State Treasurer, who shall keep
the money in a separate fund known as the Professional
Engineer's and Engineer's, Land
Surveyor's Surveyor's, and Geologist's Fund.
(b) For accounting and
recordkeeping purposes, the Professional Engineer's and
Engineer's, Land Surveyor's
Surveyor's, and Geologist's Fund shall be deemed to be a
single special fund, and shall be available for expenditure only for
the purposes as are now or may hereafter be provided by law.
(c) The fees and civil penalties
received under this chapter shall be deposited in the Professional
Engineer's and Engineer's, Land
Surveyor's Surveyor's, and Geologist's
Fund. All moneys in the fund are hereby appropriated for the purposes
of this chapter.