INTRODUCED BY Assembly Member Torres Chau
( Coauthor: Senator Torres
FEBRUARY 22, 2013
An act to amend Section 65582 of the Government Code,
Sections 50802 and 50803 of the Health and Safety
Code, relating to land use housing and
making an appropriation therefor .
AB 873, as amended, Torres Chau .
Land use: general plan: housing element.
Housing: emergency housing and assistance funding.
The Planning and Zoning Law requires each city, county, or city
and county to prepare and adopt a general plan for its jurisdiction
that contains mandatory elements, including a housing element. That
law defines certain terms for the provisions applicable to the
housing element by reference to the Multifamily Housing Program.
This bill would modify certain of those definitions by removing
the reference to the program and directly defining the terms with
definitions similar to definitions from the program.
Existing law requires the Department of Housing and Community
Development to administer the Emergency Housing and Assistance
Program. Under the program, moneys from the continuously appropriated
Emergency Housing and Assistance Fund are available for the purposes
of providing shelter, as specified, to homeless persons at as low a
cost and as quickly as possible, without compromising the health and
safety of shelter occupants, to encourage the move of homeless
persons from shelters to a self-supporting environment as soon as
possible, to encourage provision of services for as many persons at
risk of homelessness as possible, to encourage compatible and
effective funding of homeless services, and to encourage coordination
among public agencies that fund or provide services to homeless
individuals, as well as agencies that discharge people from their
Existing law requires the department to distribute funds
appropriated for activities providing for capital development
programs, including acquisition, leasing, construction, and
rehabilitation of sites for emergency shelter and transitional
housing for homeless persons, as grants in the form of forgivable
deferred loans, as prescribed. Existing law requires the department
to make funding available to each project as a loan with a term of 5
years for rehabilitation, 7 years for substantial rehabilitation, or
10 years for acquisition and rehabilitation or new construction.
This bill would authorize the department to also make funding
available as a loan with a term of 20 years for conversion to
permanent supportive housing for homeless families and individuals.
Existing law requires that grants awarded by the department
pursuant to these provisions be used by a grant recipient to defray
costs of eligible activities defined in department regulations.
This bill would provide that these grants may also be awarded
pursuant to department guidelines and would authorize the department
to adopt guidelines that are not subject to review by the Office of
Administrative Law, as specified. The bill would also expand eligible
activities to include capital development loans for the conversion
of emergency shelter or transitional housing to permanent supportive
housing for homeless families or individuals, and the provision of
effective approaches to rapidly rehouse homeless clients, including
homeless system assessments, street outreach and housing and services
engagement efforts, coordinated care services, housing location and
stabilization services, and rental assistance costs, including
deposits and costs necessary for occupancy. The bill would require
the department to give priority for capital development funds to
applicants proposing capital development loans for the conversion of
emergency shelter or transitional housing to permanent supportive
housing for homeless families or individuals and to give priority for
noncapital development funds to applicants that propose effective
approaches to rapidly rehouse homeless clients and that leverage
additional funding sources or focus on high-cost users of more than
one system of care.
The bill would require that the department, no later than June 30,
2015, transfer any capital development funds derived from bonds
remaining in the Emergency Housing and Assistance Fund to the Housing
Rehabilitation Loan Fund to be expended for the Multifamily Housing
Program for supportive housing for a specified target population.
By authorizing the use of continuously appropriated funds for new
purposes, this bill would make an appropriation.
Vote: majority 2/3 . Appropriation:
no yes . Fiscal committee: no
yes . State-mandated local program: no.
SECTION 1. Section 50802 of the Health
and Safety Code is amended to read:
50802. (a) The department shall ensure that not less than 20
percent of the moneys in the Emergency Housing and Assistance Fund
shall be allocated to nonurban counties during any given fiscal year.
If the funds designated for facilities operation that are allocated
to nonurban counties are not awarded by the end of that fiscal year,
then those unencumbered funds shall be allocated in the next fiscal
year to urban counties. Funds for capital development that are not
awarded by the end of the second fiscal year shall be awarded in the
subsequent fiscal year to urban counties.
(b) The amount of funds that the department allocates from the
Emergency Housing and Assistance Fund to each region, excluding funds
allocated pursuant to subdivision (a), shall be based upon a formula
that accords at least 20 percent weight to each of the following
(1) The relative number of persons in the region below the poverty
line according to the most recent federal census, updated, if
possible, with an estimate by the Department of Finance, compared to
the total of the urban counties.
(2) The relative number of persons unemployed within each region,
based on the most recent one-year period for which data is available,
compared to the total of the urban counties.
(c) Grant funds shall be disbursed as expeditiously as possible by
the department.
(d) The department shall use not more than 5 percent of the amount
available for funds pursuant to this chapter to defray the
department's administrative costs pursuant to this chapter.
(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the
department shall distribute funds appropriated for purposes of the
activities specified in paragraph (2)
paragraphs (2) and (7) of subdivision (a) of Section 50803 as
grants in the form of forgivable deferred loans, subject to all of
the following:
(1) Funding shall be made available to each project as a loan with
a term of five years for rehabilitation, seven years for substantial
rehabilitation, or 10 years for acquisition and
rehabilitation or new construction , or 20 years for conversion
to permanent supportive housing for homeless families and individuals
. Each deferred loan shall be secured by a deed of trust and
promissory note. Repayment of the loan shall be deferred as long as
the project is used as an emergency shelter or transitional housing.
At the completion of the specified year term, the loan shall be
forgiven. If a transfer or conveyance of the project property,
however, occurs prior to that time that results in the property no
longer being used as an emergency shelter or transitional housing,
the department shall terminate the grant and require the repayment of
the deferred loan in full.
(2) Applications for funding shall be made pursuant to
department-issued statewide "Notices of Funding Availability" without
the need for additional regulations.
(3) The department shall set forth the criteria for evaluating
applications in the "Notices of Funding Availability" and shall make
deferred loans based on those applications that best meet the
(4) The department shall specify in the "Notice of Funding
Availability" both maximum and minimum grant amounts that may be
varied for urban and nonurban counties.
(5) Contracts for projects that have not begun construction within
the initial 12-month period shall be terminated and funds
reallocated. The department, however, may extend this period by a
period not to exceed 12 months.
SEC. 2. Section 50803 of the Health and
Safety Code is amended to read:
50803. (a) Grants awarded by the department pursuant to this
chapter shall be used by a grant recipient to defray costs of
eligible activities defined in department regulations,
regulations or guidelines, including, but not
limited to, any of the following activities:
(1) Operating facilities, including, but not limited to,
operations staff salaries, maintenance, repair, utilities, equipment,
and debt reduction.
(2) Providing for capital development programs, such as
acquisition, leasing, construction, and rehabilitation of sites for
emergency shelter and transitional housing for homeless persons.
(3) Administrative costs.
(4) Operating expenses relating to supervising and counseling
(5) Providing residential rental assistance.
(6) Leasing or renting rooms for provision of temporary shelter.
(7) Capital development loans for the conversion of emergency
shelter or transitional housing to permanent supportive housing for
homeless families or individuals. The department shall establish the
maximum loan limits for the loans in the notice of funding
(8) Providing effective approaches to rapidly rehouse homeless
clients. Eligible activities include, but are not limited to,
homeless system assessments, street outreach and housing and services
engagement efforts, coordinated care services, housing location and
stabilization services, and rental assistance costs, including
deposits and costs necessary for occupancy.
(b) Funds allocated to a nonurban county pursuant to subdivision
(a) of Section 50802 may be used to pay the cost of leasing or
renting individual units, hotel rooms, or motel rooms for use as
emergency shelters. No more than 15 percent of the funds allocated to
a region other than a nonurban county shall be expended for this
(c) By regulation, the department shall establish a level, not to
exceed 5 percent of a grant award, which any eligible recipient may
use to defray administrative costs.
SEC. 3. (a) Notwithstanding
any provision of Chapter 11.5 (commencing with Section 50800) of Part
2 of Division 31 of the Health and Safety Code, the Department of
Housing and Community Development shall do all of the following with
respect to notices of funding availability issued on or after the
effective date of this act and prior to July 1, 2015:
(1) Make funding available on a competitive basis statewide.
(2) Give priority for capital development funds to applicants
proposing activities described in paragraph (7) of subdivision (a) of
Section 50803 of the Health and Safety Code.
(3) Give priority for noncapital development funds to applicants
that propose activities described in paragraph (8) of subdivision (a)
of Section 50803 and that leverage additional funding sources or
focus on high-cost users of more than one system of care.
(4) Accept applications from eligible organizations, public
housing authorities, tribal governments, and continuum of care
(b) The Department of Housing and Community Development may award
funds under the notices of funding available described in subdivision
(a) pursuant to adopted guidelines that are not subject to the
requirements of Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1
of Title 2 of the Government Code.
(c) No later than June 30, 2015, the Department of Housing and
Community Development shall transfer any capital development funds
derived from bonds remaining in the Emergency Housing and Assistance
Fund to the Housing Rehabilitation Loan Fund to be expended for the
Multifamily Housing Program authorized by Chapter 6.7 (commencing
with Section 50675) of Part 2 of Division 31 of the Health and Safety
Code, to be used for supportive housing for the target population
identified in Section 50675.14.
SECTION 1. Section 65582 of the Government Code
is amended to read:
65582. As used in this article, the following definitions apply:
(a) "Community," "locality," "local government," or "jurisdiction"
means a city, city and county, or county.
(b) "Council of governments" means a single or multicounty council
created by a joint powers agreement pursuant to Chapter 5
(commencing with Section 6500) of Division 1 of Title 1.
(c) "Department" means the Department of Housing and Community
(d) "Emergency shelter" has the same meaning as defined in
subdivision (e) of Section 50801 of the Health and Safety Code.
(e) "Housing element" or "element" means the housing element of
the community's general plan, as required pursuant to this article
and subdivision (c) of Section 65302.
(f) "Supportive housing" means housing with no limit on length of
stay that is linked to onsite or offsite services that assist the
supportive housing resident in retaining the housing, improving his
or her health status, and maximizing his or her ability to live and,
when possible, work in the community.
(g) "Transitional housing"means buildings configured as rental
housing developments, but operated under program requirements that
call for the termination of assistance and recirculation of the
assisted unit to another eligible program recipient at some
predetermined future point in time, which shall be no less than six