INTRODUCED BY   Senator Corbett

                        FEBRUARY 18, 2011

    An act to amend Section 9600.5 of the Unemployment
Insurance Code, relating to employment development.   An
act to amend Section 30513 of the Public Resources Code, relating to
coastal resources. 


   SB 825, as amended, Corbett.  Employment Development
Department: training expenditures: report.   Coastal
resources: California Coastal Act: local coastal programs: zoning
   The California Coastal Act of 1976 imposes certain restrictions on
development in the coastal zone of the state and requires each local
government located within the coastal zone to prepare a local
coastal program. The act further requires the local government to
submit to the California Coastal Commission a land use plan,
including zoning ordinances, zoning district maps, and, if required,
other implementing actions.  
   The act authorizes the commission to suggest modifications to
rejected zoning ordinances, zoning district maps, or other
implementing actions. If the local government agrees to adopt those
modifications, they will be deemed approved upon confirmation by the
executive director. The act prohibits the commission from suggesting
modifications in the rejected zoning ordinances if the local
government requests the commission not to suggest modifications.
   This bill would delete the restriction on the commission regarding
suggested modifications.  
   Existing law requires the Employment Development Department to
administer various job training and placement programs and services
for eligible persons, as provided, and requires that the department,
among other things, develop a statewide plan and area plans to
coordinate all programs it administers, as specified. Existing law
also requires the Employment Development Department to report
annually to the Governor, the Legislature, and the California
Workforce Investment Board, no later than November 30, regarding the
training expenditures made by local workforce investment boards in
the prior fiscal year, as provided.  
   This bill would require the Employment Development Department,
instead of reporting to the Legislature, to report annually to the
relevant fiscal committees of the Legislature. 
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no.
State-mandated local program: no.


   SECTION 1.    Section 30513 of the Public Resources
Code is amended to read: 
   30513.   (a)    The local government shall
submit to the commission the zoning ordinances, zoning district maps,
and, where necessary, other implementing actions  which
  that  are required pursuant to this chapter.

    (b)     If  within 60 days after
receipt of  the   a  zoning 
ordinances   ordinance  , zoning district 
maps   map  , and other implementing 
actions   action  , the commission, after public
hearing, has not rejected the zoning  ordinances 
 ordinance  , zoning district  maps  
map  , or other implementing  actions  
action  ,  they   it  shall be deemed
approved. The commission may only reject  a  zoning 
ordinances   ordinance  , zoning district 
maps   map  , or other implementing 
actions   action  on the grounds that  they
do   it does  not conform with, or  are
  is  inadequate to carry out, the provisions of
the certified land use plan. If the commission rejects the zoning
 ordinances   ordinance  , zoning district
 maps   map  , or other implementing
 actions   action  , it shall give written
notice of the rejection specifying the provisions of  the 
land use plan with which the rejected zoning  ordinances do
  ordinance does  not conform or  which
  that  it finds will not be adequately carried out
together with its reasons for the action taken. 
    (c)     The  commission may suggest
modifications in the rejected zoning  ordinances 
 ordinance  , zoning district  maps  
map  , or other implementing  actions  
action  , which, if adopted by the local government and
transmitted to the commission, shall be deemed approved upon
confirmation by the executive director. 
    (d)     The  local government may
elect to meet the commission's rejection in a manner other than as
suggested by the commission and may then resubmit its revised zoning
 ordinances   ordinance  , zoning district
 maps   map  , and other implementing
 actions   action  to the commission.

   If a local government requests that the commission not suggest
modifications in the rejected zoning ordinances, zoning district
maps, or other implementing ordinances, the commission shall not do
  SECTION 1.    Section 9600.5 of the Unemployment
Insurance Code is amended to read:
   9600.5.  The director of the Employment Development Department
shall report annually to the Governor, the relevant policy and fiscal
committees of the Legislature, and the California Workforce
Investment Board, no later than November 30, regarding the training
expenditures made by local workforce investment boards in the prior
fiscal year. The department shall specify what expenditures qualify
as training expenditures, including, but not limited to, the price
paid for classroom instruction or other training opportunities,
contracted services for customized training and on-the-job training,
development of training materials, and supportive services, including
case management, that enable a participant to attend and complete
training. The annual report shall specify the total amount of federal
funding provided to the state and to each of the local workforce
investment areas for the adult and dislocated persons programs and
the amount within each program expended for training services.